Why eye catching visuals can improve your social media presence

Building a presence on social media has become one of the most important ways to market your business and build a brand recognition. With more businesses starting to utilise social media platforms to build an online presence, it is important to create business profiles across the top platforms to get the best results from online marketing.

Social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+. It is important to create consistent branding across all platforms and post regular, relevant, quality posts that are recognisable and also engaging to the viewers. This will help improve brand recognition and drive viewers to your website, leading to more sales.

Visuals should be eye-catching, to draw in the attention of the viewers, and also create curiosity to make them click further to find out more information. Hiring a designer and social media marketing specialist may help to boost your company’s online presence.

Should I hire an online marketing professional?

There are many ways to help promote your business, with both online and offline methods. With the constant growth of online users, there is no better time to optimise some of the online marketing strategies.

Online marketing can be a very time consuming job, that’s why hiring a professional may work well for your business. Hiring a team that can help improve your position on search engines and help provide organic traffic towards your website.

Online marketing also includes management of social media, the biggest growing platforms on the web. Business accounts should be created and managed with quality content both written and visual, and also engagement with followers and potential customers. Social media platforms not only provide an easy way to reach the website, with each click to your site you are improving your websites trust, which search engines like.

Hiring an online marketing team could be the next step your business needs, research a trusted company and see the positive results for yourself.

Facebook Ads and their benefits

Social media is a big trend these days. With so many people using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other platforms, it is potentially the best way to earn money. Moreover, engaging in social media is a smart way to direct traffic to your website (if you have one).

Lets take Facebook as example. As one of the most popular platforms out there, it has around 1.2 billion users. So if you have your own website and your target is to bring traffic to it, then Facebook needs to be considered. You can create ads that appear to a huge group of people that will give you the traffic you desire. All you have to do is log into your Facebook account and look for a window that says: “Create Ad”. From there you just have to follow the simple steps to reach your objective. Now usually ads have a certain price that you should pay in order to create it. But with Facebook you can chose the amount you would like to spend and Facebook will stop when it reaches that amount.

Create your own eye-catching images for your social media business platforms

Social media marketing is one of the most popular forms of marketing your business, but how do you make your stand out from other leading competitors?

Is it recommended that your social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus and Pinterest all have a consistent theme across them all. By keeping the theme consistent you build your brand recognition and customers can easily recognise your display picture.

Creating eye-catching visuals for regular posts and social media activity is also important, and it is now easier than ever. Using an online company such as Canva, can help you to produce great looking posts. You simply choose a template and social media platform, and then start being creative. You can add your logo and any images you wish to include, while changing the colour of the background and fonts too.  Once you are happy with the visual, you simply download it and it is ready to post straight away.

Pinterest business accounts: Bringing traffic to your website.

The internet is the leading medium to flourish a business, and is a great tool to take your business to greater heights. Once you have created a business website, you need to build traffic towards it.
Pinterest is a great platform for bringing visitors to your site.

The role of a Pinterest business account:
Making a business account means you have to mark your presence. Create maximum number of boards with at least ten pins. Pin your blog article on the boards along with direct link to your website, this brings traffic to your site.
Use appealing images in your pins and check for the time when your target audience stay online and post during these hours. Connect all your social media accounts to Pinterest and be exceptionally active to create more and more followers.

The research says that the pins on Pinterest are a thousand times more effective than a tweet. So use the clever strategies to get your business booming.