Lights, gifts, Christmas trees, and Santa Claus! It’s soon going to be the season of Christmas, which is joyful for many fashion retailers and popular brands, especially if the consumers take to their marketing and advertising campaigns.
Advertising campaigns can be a hit or a miss! But creative advertisements can help popular brands with brisk business during the festive season of Christmas so it’s always worth a shot at pushing the boundaries! Christmas mailing is one popular technique that’s labelled as being traditional, however, technology has drastically improved mailing campaigns and their overall effectiveness in recent years. So why is this? Because data is easily cleaned and letters, brochures and magazines can actually be easily personalised, which is obviously important at Christmas. Brands like to be able to speak to their customers directly, and offer them something physical to hold, rather than spamming their email inbox with mail! Christmas mailings can also be very hard to ignore, especially if they include a discount or promotion of some sort. It’s highly unlikely it will be thrown straight in the trash, and if it is, it will be because the content isn’t relevant to the individual. If you take the time to work on the design and content, but also get the data right and use automation tools, your ‘traditional’ campaigns can be swift, smooth and successful.
Brand Warfare During Christmas
Fierce competition amongst business with similar product lines gives rise to the need of dominating marketing campaigns which penetrates a larger section of the society in the smallest amount of time. With digitization, both the industrial giants and the owners of mom-and-pop shops are resorting to media campaigns that include – content marketing predominantly ‘native advertisements’ that may cost them a hefty sum of money to attract the huge consumer distribution channels in virtual platforms.
The lexicon of an advertising campaign has its foundation in its creative and engaging content. For a high-performing idea to reach the right audience (in a larger context), the businesses resort to the company of media planning activities that has the maximum impact on the target audience (and Voila! It is expensive).
Essentials of Advertising Campaigns by Business
Whether it is about airing a few-second advert on YouTube, using radio or television technology sources to invade the demographics of the society, or using ‘Storytelling’ promotional techniques through huge billboards at prominent sites, businesses don’t leave any stones unturned to advertise their products, especially during a festive season like Christmas.
Every business believes in the fact that the more its seen, it is captured in the extreme recesses of the mind. Brands identify multiple avenues to lure a particular set of audience (for each festival). A brand campaign or awareness drive has more to do with the consumer expectation from them.
It is not just about spending big on advertisements, but conveying the right message, connecting to the right emotion of the consumer, and last but not least, being insightful at the same time is all the more important to receive a surmounting response.
A convincing and appealing Christmas mailing advert must have the amalgamation of audio, video and engaging story-line along with alluring product design. Brands resonate quality assurance and must comply with it throughout. Hence, an advertisement project must not be on a shoestring, but extravagant in nature when it comes to one of the most important festivals of a nation- Christmas.